About Me


The artist Bistra Bakalova was born in Bulgaria and graduated from the Sliven High School of Art, Bulgaria, then she studied painting on the Faculty of Fine Arts, Veliko Tarnovo State University, Bulgaria. In 1988-1992 she graduated from the Kiev Academy of Art, Ukraine. 

She moved to Prague, Czech Republic, in 1992.


The paintings of Bistra Bakalova take us to the enigmatic sensual world of a woman-artist, where spontaniety and irrationality co-exist with systematic thought and sound reasoning, delicacy of feelings interacts with strong will, and life is equal to love. Her works cannot be perceived by sense only; the password to them is sensitivity. Their themes are as if taken from the emotional subconsciousness of the viewer. 

Every oil of the woman-painter is a quest, an attempt to grasp theme, and refracting it through the prism of modern artistic vision, to embody it in colours, lines and hues. 

Many of Bistra´s paintings can be found in private collections in Germany, Austria, France, U.S.A., Holland, England, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Australia, Brasil, Hong Kong Japan and many other countries. 


“Painting became the part of my being, the form of expression, conversation and way to escape.

My dreams, childhood and memories fade into my pictures. They are my statement, my alter ego. 

I want to reach out people who feel my art and perceive it by their sensibility nor rationality. 

I account myself as introvert and hence the way to arouse public notice by pictures became matter of fact.”



1992 First exhibition in Prague, Obecný dům

Exhibition in Gallery Slovart, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Exhibition in Gallery Rapid, Prague

1993 Exhibition in Gallery Carolinum, Prague

1994 Exhibition in Gallery Carolinum, Prague

Exhibition in Gallery K&B, Prague

1995 Exhibition in Gralla, Austria

Exhibition in Gallery Alten Brennerei, Ennigerloh, Germany

Exhibition in Guttmann Gallery, Bad Pyrmont, Germany

1996 Exhibition in Aardenburg, Holland

1997 Exhibition in Gallery Celetná, Prague

1998 Exhibition in TVM, München, Germany 

1999 Exhibition in LeonArt Gallery, Basle, Switzerland

2001 Exhibition in LeonArt Gallery, Basle, Switzerland

2003 The 2nd European Meeting of Women Painters and Sculptors, Wimereux, France

2003 Exhibition in LeonArt Gallery, Basle, Switzerland

2004 Exhibition in Gallery Dans&Art, Geneve, Switzerland

2004 Participation in Salon d’Autumne, Paris, France

2006 Exhibition in LeonArt Gallery, Basle, Switzerland

2006 Participation in Salon d’Autumne, Paris, France

2007 Open Art 2007 exhibitions in Villepinte and Rueil Malmaison, France

2008 InterArt 2008 Greifswald, Germany, group exhibition

2008 The Art Ladies October 2008, LA, U.S.A.

2009 Solo Exhibition in Gallery Alphonse D’Heye in Knokke, Belgium

2010 InterArt 2010 Greifswald, Germany, group exhibition

2011 Solo exhibition in Gallery Heubar, Basel, Switzerland 

2011 Group exhibition in gallery “Kleiner Prinz” Baden Baden, Germany

2011 Group exhibition in gallery “Boehner” Mannheim, Germany

2012 ArtSalon in Gallery DOX, Prague

2012 “Kunst an der muba”, Basel, Switzerland

2012 InterArt 2012 Greifswald, Germany, group exhibition

2013 “Kunst an der muba”, Basel, SwitzerlandYou can highlight important information or announcements in text like this.


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